Collection of documentaries aired on Sky One that profile some of the most notorious serial killers in history. Between them, Dr Harold Shipman, Ivan Milat, Myra Hindley, Fred West, Jeffrey Dahmer and The Washington Snipers, John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo, amassed a horrifying death toll. The programmes examine the backgrounds of each killer and relive their crimes in an attempt to...
Discovery Channel documentary following ex-Mafia member Lou Ferrante as he sets out in search of the truth behind prison gangs. Having served nearly ten years in a maximum security prison himself, Ferrante has inside knowledge of the kind of criminal hierarchies that exist behind bars. He attempts to bring his expertise to bear on prisons in countries as diverse as El Salvador, the Philippines,...
Six-volume documentary box set from the Biography Channel that offers a chilling look at some of the most notorious killers of the last century and a half. The murderers featured are Jack the Ripper, Bonnie and Clyde, The Boston Strangler, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy and Gary Gilmore.
All six episodes from the second series of the documentary in which Ross Kemp delves into the world of crime and poverty. This time round he explores Venezuela, where kidnappings and murders are common occurrences; the rural areas of Kenya and Tanzania, where there have been a number of witch-hunts; and Glasgow, where many are living in extremely poor conditions due to the recession. The other...
£19.99Buy NowRoss Kemp: Extreme World - Season 2
Collection of Discovery Channel documentaries that explore the exploits and mindsets of serial killers in an attempt to determine what drives a human being to kill. The documentaries included are: 'The Real Life Hannibal Lecter', 'The Boneyard Killer', 'Cruel Deception', 'Deadly Dentist', 'Dangerous Pursuits' and 'Bob Berdella'.
£9.99Buy NowSerial Killers: Collection
Documentary examining the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the USA. The programme explores the events and controversy of this notorious shooting, with particular focus on the alleged conspiracy theories which have plagued the event's history, ever since it happened.
Six-part documentary series from HBO investigating Robert Durst and the crimes he has been accused of. Durst has denied that he was involved in the disappearance of his first wife Kathie in 1982 and the brutal murders of writer Susan Berman and his neighbour Morris Black in 2000 and 2001, respectively. The series combines re-enactments with news clips, security tapes, footage of evidence and...
£16.99Buy NowThe Jinx - The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
Documentary series that sets out to investigate the Mafia's use of murder in 20th century America. Put together with access to FBI files on the Mafia, the programmes detail the agency's surprise when 1960s figures revealed the extent to which the Mafia contributed to the US murder rate. Dramatic reconstructions, archive footage and testimony from witnesses and FBI agents are used to explore the...
£6.99Buy NowThe Mafia's Greatest Hits
Collection of gangster documentaries. 'Fight School' sees boxer Roy Shaw, aka Britain's most violent man, offer a no-holds-barred guide to using excessive violence to earn the respect you deserve. 'Real Rise of the Footsoldier' tells the story of football hooligan and Essex Boys gang member Carlton Leach, whose infamous career was portrayed in Julian Gilbey's 2007 film 'Rise of the Footsoldier'....